A Liar and A Snitch
"It was while we were waiting for the stewards that I was misled and was instructed by my team manager to withhold information. That's what I did. I felt awkward and uncomfortable, and I think the stewards could see that. I sincerely apologise to the stewards for wasting their time and making them look stupid.
"I have not gone through life being a liar and I am not a dishonest person, and I don't want the world to think that. I am a team player. Whenever I have been told to do things, I have done them."
-- Hamilton, Sepang Circuit 3/4/2009
Yes, Hamilton, we already knew that you are a fucking liar. You lied last week just as you did in Hungary in 2007. And so much for your claims of being a team player. You have pointed the finger directly at your team manager to save your own arse. To take joint responsibility like a man? But I suppose you lack the spine to do this.